Gold Mountain Golf Club

Prepping for the Upcoming Season

Not a lot to report on this time of year. We are busy repairing and staining all 72 tee benches when the weather keeps us off the courses, and mowing whenever we can. We had one inch of rain last night and mowed greens this morning. There’s not a lot of courses around here that can say that. We truly are one of the driest golf courses around.  The majority of our property is built on native sand and drains extremely well. The recent cold spells we have experienced help too, as the deep freezes heave the soil and loosen the compacted sand allowing even better drainage.

I hear from our guests frequently how firm the fairways are and how surprised they are to see their ball actually bounce down the fairways and not plug. I had a guest just this morning tell me how quick the greens are rolling which I don’t hear often this time of year.

Other than staining benches, we are also cutting around valve boxes and sprinkler heads on the Olympic Course and cleaning up branches and fir cones on Cascade after yet another wind event. In the shop we are servicing all of our equipment and sharpening all of our mowers getting ready for the upcoming season.

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